"An Ode to My Home" is a poignant series of three collages that explores the formative years of growing up as a female teenager in the vibrant yet challenging landscape of Los Angeles. This series delves into the dualities that define the city: its allure, characterized by glitz and glamour, juxtaposed against the complex ethical dilemmas faced by its young inhabitants.
The three pieces within the series serve as a narrative that encapsulates and integrates pivotal moments and people of my youth entwined with the premature sophistication often placed upon the young. The collages blend iconic imagery of Los Angeles—from the facades of Hollywood to the gritty reality in its shadows—utilizing my own personal artifacts that represent the internal and external struggles of adolescent growth. Each element is meticulously curated to evoke a sense of nostalgia while simultaneously prompting a critical reflection on the societal pressures and moral challenges that emerge in our youth.